Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Pythagorean Fish Fart Conundrum

                       Okay, so what does it all mean?
Well, The Pythagoreans, who were followers of the philosopher Pythagoreas,
all agreed that farting was an issue. Anything that came out of the body as a"wind" released a soul, so breath was kept to a minimum, and farts were completely out of the question. Therefore, these venerable men( and I stress the word, "men". Women did not have the time to waste concerned about farts.)
refused to eat beans. Not only did beans initiate the expulsion of souls out of one's butt, but beans could be one's parents....???!!!( What the heck?)
And that brings me to fish farts. That is most likely the reason that my fish tank still smells funky even after a good cleaning. And why I see numerous bubbles rise to the top of the tank, and why my fish look so happy.
                    Hmmmmmm. Have a great day, fellow pythags!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

S_ _ _ , It's a four letter word!

      Wow! I am sitting here in the boondocks of bumpkin land, covered with
                 snow, and watching more come down.
       Waist deep, my planetary followers, and more is coming.
      Yikes!  Car, what car? House, wasn't it over there this morning?
 Oh, crud, I lost the kids somewhere between the driveway and the house!
               Well, call it cryogenics, and we'll find them in June.
                Who needs to be sent to Siberia for their crimes? 
     And tempers are flaring! Possibly the only thing keeping us warm and thinking......
                                        See you tomorrow, or in June!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No Eggsit

Greeetings, fellow time travelers!
Time travel, you say? Yes, we are all time travelers on this planet, spinning as the planet, through time and space, from beginning to end.
                        Join me and join in as we take this trip together.....